Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy 85th, Rafael!

Tonight we celebrated Leilani's dad's 85th birthday. We were expecting about 8 to show, and we got about 30. I think he was really happy to have the whole family around. I brought a bottle of Sake, and he Lew, Larry and I had a small glass. Very enjoyable.

Toward the end, he put on the new World War II documentary by Ken Burns, and he and Dwayne were very engrossed in it. Even some scenes from the Philippines at one point.

Happy birthday, Rafael! With your health and attitude, I'm sure there'll be plenty more!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Messing with Photos

Tonight, I decided to look around online for some Photoshop tips and tricks. I'm taking some nice photos with my new camera, but I'd like to couple that with adding some character to them. Here are two that I played around with tonight:

This is Sun He's dog Penny, in a film noir kind of mood.

Here's what I did to a sunflower:

I gotta admit I miss the color, but it does set a mood.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dining on the Needle

Tonight, we are wandering over to the Space Needle and using last year's birthday gift before the new birthday arrives. It is a crystal clear September evening, so the opportunity will likely not be as good as now for awhile. Dinner is at 6:15.

Other than that, my toe hurts.