On a whim, we decided to go for a drive up to Bellingham WA yesterday. Our plan was to spend some time at the farmers' market, go to the Museum of Radio and Electricity, walk through the Whatcom Falls park, head on over to the Fairhaven district, and back to Bellingham for dinner. We did all of the above with the possibility entertained for spending the night there, but that didn't pan out.
Bellingham is a nice town. I often think I might have liked to go to school at WWU. I was surprised at how quiet the downtown area is. I'm sure things clear out once the Spring semester has ended, but I guess I was expecting a little more activity. At one point, I was considering the possibility of relocating to Bellingham. Leilani wouldn't have bought into that plan, but it was an idea. I like how laid back it is up there, but I think for what the price of a home is, mixed with what I'd be giving up leaving the Seattle area, it would probably end up being a raw deal.
None the less, we had a nice day there yesterday, outside of Leilani finding a plastic sticker in her Thai meal.