Okay, I'm going to be 40 in a year, 2 months, and some spare change. I have a secret. I won't even let my girlfriend in on this one, especially when she plans on attending the Cure concert on a weeknight. Yes folks... I still like music. I like discovering new music. I like being one of a handful of people "cool" enough to know about and like some obscure band. I like walking down crowded 3rd avenue on my way home each day from work, with my headphones on and deluding myself into believing that I'm actually some sort of hipster... even with my tie and graying hair and middle-age gut. Somehow none of that matters.
Recently I dumped Rhapsody for Yahoo! music, and I've never been happier. Rhapsody is so damn buggy that I began wondering what I was paying for. Now there's no question. Songs download seamlessly to my Zen, I still have all my favorite selections, it's great! Passes the day at work in a wonderful way.
So what am I listening to these days? Well, here's the list:
- The High Water Marks - "Songs About the Ocean"
- The Arm - "The Arm"
- The Ponys - "Turn the Lights Out"
- Downpilot - "Leaving Not Arriving"
- Sufjan Stevens - "Seven Swans"
- Radio 4 - "Enemies Like This"
- A Band of Bees - "Free the Bees"
- The Marked Men - "Fix My Brain"
- Peter Bjorn and John - "Writer's Block"
- The Ponys - "Turn the Lights Out"
- The Prids - "Until the World is Beautiful"
- Blond Redhead - "23"
- Brakes - "Beatific Visions"
- Dirty on Purpose - "Hallelujiah Sirens" (5 out of 5 stars!)
- Kings of Leaon - "Because of the Times"
- Laura Veirs - "Saltbreakers"
- Midlake - "Balloon Maker"
- Nick Drake - "Pink Moon"
- Nada Surf - "Blizzard of '77"
And yesterday I pulled out my Neutral Milk Hotel cds after not listening to them for over a year and realized that they're pure genius.
Yeah, I'm a dork.
P.S. been a while since I've posted. will try to do better.
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