Money has been burning a hole in my pocket these days. I'm normally in an extreme state of frugality. I mentioned my worry at being in debt on a credit card to my friend Mike a few weeks ago. He asked how much I owed, and I told him it was in the 1000$ range. He laughed and told me he's in the hole for a figure in the 10-15,000 range. I probably worry too much, but I've never owed the big banks much money, and I like to keep it that way.
So, that said, I've had the interest in picking up photography as a hobby recently. My supervisor has really gotten into it, and I must admit he's piqued my interest. I spontaneously shelled out over 6 bills for the Canon Bandit yesterday. I was starting to have second thoughts, but then I realized that I don't often buy nice-to-haves for myself, and I'm not getting any younger. So there you have it. I'll be recording my progress from time to time here. Hopefully something nice will come of it.

In the meantime, I've been taking lots of random pictures with my point-and-shoot. Yesterday, I got some around Belltown. I took this one facing South on 2nd avenue, and decided to compare it with the one shot in 1918, from the same angle (mine was on Battery, the other was on Lenora).

I like seeing how the city has changed, but even more fascinating is seeing the pieces that haven't changed that much. For instance, look at the Moore Hotel sitting right at the horizon line. Virtually the same after all this time.
So, here's to hoping that this new toy doesn't collect dust!
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