Friday, December 28, 2007

Time-killing Strategies

Work is slow. It's the Friday before New Year's. It's way too chilly to go for a walk about town. So what does one do? Today, I've found enjoyment in looking over the "worst film" lists for 2007. Thankfully, not one dime of my hard-earned money was wasted on any of the, though I could have seen myself taken in by the likes of Guy Ritchie's "Revolver". Thankfully, I wasn't.

This quote regarding Eddie Murphy's "Norbit" pretty much sums it up:
"I saw Norbit in a 'black' movie theater...if you're gonna see that movie, that's the way to view it. Some dude kept yelling out 'I'm high as a mothaf__ka and this sh_t still aint funny', which got the biggest laughs"

I know I would have laughed.

Another source of time-killer has been surfing through the archives of The Onion. Here are some gems:

Jon Lovitz and Subway ads:
Catwoman not being completely awful:
Preemptive raves for Blues Brothers 200:
Robin Williams = imbecile:

I close with this question: why is not enough bad being said about Robin Williams?

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