Monday, January 7, 2008

One Photo Each Day

I was reading my friend Jana's blog, and she had a new year's resolution to take one photo each day for a year (or perhaps for life), based on an article she had read. I have a hard time seeing myself keeping that resolution, but heck, I'll give it a try.

This is a photo I just snapped in my living room. It represents two other resolutions I should make: do more illustrating, and play the clarinet once in awhile.

Having enough trouble staying on top of the eating less and exercising more resolutions, but if you don't try....


Jana Kleitsch said...

Yay, I'm glad you're doing the photo a day thing too. I think it is going to end up being an interesting project if anything. I'm thinking I'll need a new fancy camera now though. ;)

Jana Kleitsch said...

And I forgot to write: great illustration. Maybe you should do an illustration a day and take a photo of it. (don't kill me.)

berlinguette said...

That may be a recipe for failure. I did resolve to do an illustration per month, which is much more achievable.