Monday, August 6, 2007

El Positivo

You didn't hear it from me, but a certain test came in positive today. The posts in the months to come will be highly influenced by this, if this is indeed the case.

2nd and Virginia, Seattle

A picture I took this morning on the way to work. Can't really tell, but the girl walking is dreadlocked and I've seen her around. Very cool look... should be recommended to Pike and Pine, the blog about Seattle street fashion. In the background is the world renown Nitelite tavern. Many a crazy night came out of that place!

1 comment:

Doug Manis said...

Oooooh, the Nitelite. Ooooooh, the pain.

Also, congratulations on the positive result if it is what I think it is. If it is not, then I'm terribly sorry.